Blooming Creatives

Creativity is quickly becoming a core curriculum component throughout the world (Chan & Yuen, 2014). Educators need access to pedagogy that closes the divide between creativity and academic instruction.

The goal of this website is to …

  • Present a clear working definition of creative / productive gifted behaviors, and moving beyond assumptions of how creative behavior presents itself.
  • Provide educators access to pedagogy that closes the divide between creativity and academic instruction.
  • Share information on identification and assessment tools that are available to educators.
  • Explore four theories of creativity.
  • Offer unit plans and activities.
  • Share resources and links to other creativity boosting

Why is this important?

More students identified

Increased knowledge about creative/productive gifted behaviors may lead to more children being identified and receiving support they need.

Informed educators

Equipping educators with knowledge on identification and creativity curriculum may lessen the divide between creativity and academic curriculum.

Global Change

Studies show students with creative/productive gifted behaviors may make greater and more socially sensitive contributions to society (Yoon et al., 2020; Lui et al., 2021).

Available services

Teacher Manual

Free access to four unit plans with downloadable PowerPoints and class materials.

Unit Plans

Theories of creativity 

Introduction to four theories of creativity that educators can teach and use within their classroom and curriculum.  

More Information

Information on student Assessment

Introduction to Renzulli and Ries’s, (2018) Three Ring Concept of giftedness and an introduction to assessment tools and strategies.

Student Assessment

Student Identification

Comprehensive description and evaluation options for identifying students with creative/productive gifted behaviors.

Student Identification

About Sarah Lubbe

Over the last 10 years, I have taught theatre, music, and art in public schools and with private companies. From teaching baby music classes to running play groups for children on the spectrum, my passion for nurturing creativity has been a fascination of mine for many years. The idea behind Blooming Creatives began as a class project and grew into my final master’s project. 

I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts at Simon Fraser University. I am co-artistic director of Lutalica Theatre, a small but feisty theatre company based in Vancouver. I am in the process of completing my M.Ed. in Inclusive Education at McGill University.

I am currently working under the supervision of Dr. C Birlean, at the English Montreal School board.  Through this work as an enrichment coach for gifted students, I have met wonderful children who love to learn and create!

When I’m not teaching or at school, I enjoy cooking, reading, and playing music. A heartfelt thank you to my supervisor, Dr. Birlean, my partner, family and friends for the support.   

Contact Me