Unit 4: Creative Movement

Unit 4: Creative Movement2022-04-24T19:38:49+00:00

Lesson focus and goals

  • Introduce and familiarise students with the Eight Efforts of Laban movement
  • Encourage students to explore different ways of moving their bodies
  • Apply this style of movement to other mediums
  • Use imagination and movement to spark creative ideas and emotion
Materials needed2022-04-24T17:12:53+00:00
  • PowerPoint “Creative Movement” provided through the website
  • Clear, open space for movement
  • Clothing that allows for lots of movement
  • Projector, laptop, or smartboard to show short video clips
  • Speaker to play music
  • Scarves or pieces of fabric for movement
  • Balloon or light ball
  • A bell, shaker, or musical triangle. Something to capture student attention without speaking
Unit Project2022-04-24T17:10:50+00:00


Using Laban’s Eight Efforts students will imagine, plan, and design a maze and travel vehicle.

Begin this larger project by discussing how students applied Laban’s movement prompts to different mediums (text, music, and characters). Using this knowledge, students will practice using the eight Efforts as inspiration for a design challenge. In groups students will discuss, plan, and design a maze blueprint and vehicle prototype. Students can create a 3D version of their maze and vehicle or create detailed blueprints.

Students may consider the following.

  • Maze path
  • Terrain
  • Time limit
  • Weight
  • Movement of the vehicle
  • Construction of the vehicle

Students must use at least 2 of Laban’s movement components as inspiration for their creations.

Download Unit 4 Guide
Download Powerpoint
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