Unit 1: What Is Your Creativity

Unit 1: What Is Your Creativity2022-04-24T19:37:49+00:00

Unit focus and goals

  • Explore and broaden student’s perception of creativity
  • Discover that creativity is multidimensional and extends beyond the arts
  • Think about creative spaces and what influences creativity
Materials needed2022-04-23T22:48:50+00:00
  • PowerPoint “What is Your Creativity?” (download pdf below)
  • Whiteboard & markers
  • Creativity Journals (1 per student) 
  • Large sheets of paper
  • Writing & drawing materials
  • Lego* 
  • iPads*

*These materials are not necessary but if available can be beneficial 

Unit Project2022-04-24T16:47:09+00:00

My Creativity Portrait

Students plan and create a creativity portrait to showcase how they are creative. Student portraits can be in the form of a presentation, piece of artwork, an idea, etc. This project is your class’s opportunity to start broadening their perceptions of creativity and encouraging creative attitudes and behaviors. Give students time to brainstorm, plan, create and showcase this portrait. Alongside their creativity portrait, students complete a creator’s statement. The creator’s statement encourages students to reflect on their work and process.

Download Unit 1 Guide
Download Powerpoint
Download Printable Materials
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